Dr. Chacko was recently interviewed by Jen LaBracio from BabyList.com about the best newborn diapers. You can check out Jen's Article Here. For the full interview, keep reading!!!

Jen: What do you Look for in a Newborn Diaper (and What should you Avoid):
Dr. Chacko: Newborn skin is incredibly delicate, so choosing the right diaper is essential to keeping your baby comfortable and rash-free. Here’s what to consider: What to Look For:You want to find hypoallergenic materials. Opt for diapers free from dyes, fragrances, and perfumes to reduce the risk of irritation.
A proper fit is also essential. The diaper should fit snugly without being too tight or too loose. Look for at least one inch of space between the tabs when the diaper is fastened. You should be able to slide two fingers at the waistband (perpendicular to the belly) to ensure it’s not too tight.
A little known secret is the leg ruffles of the diaper. Make sure the elastic ruffles around the legs are gently pulled outward after putting the diaper on. These help contain leaks and keep messes in check.
For our newest babies, we also have to be concerned about umbilical cord protection. While the belly button is healing, the top of the diaper should sit below it. If the diaper comes up too high, fold the top edge inward to avoid rubbing the cord stump and to help prevent leaks from the top.
Choosing the right diaper and ensuring a proper fit can make a big difference in keeping your baby happy and comfortable during those early days.
Jen: How many diapers does the average newborn go through in a day?
Dr. Chacko: The number of diapers a newborn uses in a day depends on their age and feeding patterns.
Here’s a breakdown:
In the First Few Days we expect 1 wet diaper per day of age and usually a poop with each wet diaper. That looks like Day 1, expect about 1 wet diaper and 1 poop. Day 2, 2 wet diapers. Day 3, 3 wet diapers, and so on, increasing by one wet diaper per day.
By Day 5 and Older, babies should have at least 5 wet diapers per day. If the baby is feeding well and mom’s milk has come in (if breastfeeding), it is typical to see a wet diaper and a poop with every feeding. After that first week and up to about 2-3 months of age, babies eat about 8-12 times a day, which means they’ll likely go through 8-12 diapers daily.
By around 4 months, babies often have fewer poops—sometimes just 1 per day—so the overall diaper count may decrease. As they are able to hold urine a bit better too, that count goes down even more. By 1 year, most babies use around 3-6 diapers per day.
While every baby is different, tracking wet and soiled diapers is a great way to ensure they’re eating enough and staying hydrated, especially in the early days.
Jen: Any favorite diaper brands for newborns?
Dr. Chacko: Based on my experience, I’ve seen the least amount of skin issues with Huggies and Kirkland brand diapers. Many parents report fewer rashes and sensitivities when using these two brands. While the exact reason isn’t entirely clear, it’s likely due to the materials and design of these diapers, which may be gentler on sensitive newborn skin.
If a baby is experiencing frequent rashes, switching to one of these brands—along with proper diaper creams and care—often helps resolve the issue. Ultimately, every baby is different, so it’s important to find what works best for your little one’s unique needs.